If you are a member of eAlliancemaker.com, you can advertise your business opportunities by placing them into our global business database. To place your business opportunity ad, click here.

Invalid project selected."; exit; } if (isset($_SESSION['membershipid'])) { $membershipid = $_SESSION['membershipid']; } else { $membershipid = -1; } if (isset($_SESSION['level'])) { $level = $_SESSION['level']; } else { $level = 'X'; } print "

Business Opportunity

"; print ""; // Display project record. if ($_SESSION['loggedin'] == TRUE) { $num = 20; } else { $num = 10; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM allp WHERE id=$id_chosen AND (status=2 OR status=3) LIMIT 1"; if ( ! $db_result = $dbx->query($sql)) { exit(dbErrorSend("", $sql, basename(__FILE__), __FILE__, __LINE__, $dbx->error, $dbx->errno )); } $row = $db_result->fetch_assoc(); $id = $row['id']; $datecreated = $row['datecreated']; $category = $row['category']; $status = $row['status']; $position = $row['position']; $country = $row['country']; $price = $row['price']; $projectdescription = $row['projectdescription']; $positiontext = ($position == 'S') ? 'Seeking' : 'Offering'; if ($membershipid > 0) { $v = checkViewed($id, $membershipid, $dbx); } else { $v =""; } print ""; if ($status == 2) { print ""; } if ($status == 3) { print ""; } print ""; print "
$category ($positiontext) $country[ Unavailable ] $v
[ Click for Contact ] $v

"; ?>

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To view contact information you must be a member of eAlliancemaker.com and have enough credits in your eAllianceMaker account to equal or exceed the credits required to obtain the contact information. If you are already a member of eAllianceMaker, to add or check the number of account credits, please click here.

NOTE: No credits will be deducted from your account unless you are actually provided the contact information. If you are not shown the contact information immediately, there could be one or more of the following reasons for this.

1.) The person you are contacting has set their opportunity to 'Private.' This means that this person has requested that we permit them to review the membership and expertise information of the person requesting the contact before the contact information is released. If this person wishes to have you contact them, you will receive an email providing you with all of the necessary details. If such an email is sent to you, then your account willl have had the required credits deducted.

2.) The information that you are requesting might be on 'NEGOTIATION STATUS.' This can happen because the opportunity may be in negotiations such that the owner of the opportunity wishes to wait before entertaining any other options.

3.) The opportunity may be on a 'HOLDING STATUS' while the owner of the opportunity attends to other matter which are not permitting them to entertain discussions at this time. This should be considered the same as a 'Vacation/Holiday Break.' In either case, the owner will be told of your request and will have the option of releasing the contact information to you at their discretion.

4.) The opportunity has been withdrawn. If the opportunty is still shown in the database, the owner is anticipating some type of re-activation shortly and would like to have potentially interested parties aware of this.
To learn more abour our special strategy
explaining how to make money from these opportunities,
click here.

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